Mardin is definitely one of the cities to be visited. Thanks to a friend from Mardin I met at the university, I must say that I admire this city.
Mardin is a city that sees the Mesopotamian Plain in which the religions, cultures and differences are united in the same pot. Mardin has a history of 7 thousand years. Byzantines, Assyrians, Arabs, Sumerians, Akkadian, Babylonian, Ottoman, Persian and Artuks especially Artuklulara many structures still standing in this city.
Many people with different religions and cultures have lived and lived together for centuries. In this city, churches and mosques are side by side, and everyone lives their religion in peace and tolerance. Mardin is divided into two parts: Old Mardin, officially the city has a history here and there are many places to see. The new Mardin is called the new city, where hospitals, airports, business centers and banks are located.
Mardin Castle
First you can visit the castle of Mardin. Mardin Castle is built on a rock. The castle, built by Hamdaniler, is 1 km long. This castle is the center of interest for tourists, local and foreign tourists do not leave the city without stopping here.
Grand Mosque
Ulu Mosque is one of the most beautiful examples of history-smelling stone processing. This mosque was built during the reign of Artukid ruler 1176 Kudbeddin. The Artukid ruler Melik Salih donated all his property to this mosque. The mosque and the courtyard of the mosque have been carefully crafted and seem to have been newly built despite centuries of stones.
Zinciriye Madrasah
Zinciriye Madrasah, madrasah with two courtyards and two floors, is among the beautiful examples of stone management. The garden of the chain madrasah is as interesting as the madrasah. A cool weather wraps you as soon as you reach the garden. The temperature of the city in this garden gives you the air of the air. The stones in the garden are said to give a natural coolness.
Mardin Streets
Mardin Streets, as you enter the street you feel yourself 1000 years ago. The streets are so effective that you forget your time, you feel yourself from the old time. For tourists, restored houses, streets, warm smiles on the streets, you are able to find yourself conversing with the locals without even realizing it.
Mardin Museum
As we climbed the streets, we came across Mardin Museum, and we found ourselves in the museum, which was my area of interest. The artifacts found in and around this city, which are in history, are exhibited in Mardin Museum. Mardin life, old clothes, small figurines, swords, items used in agriculture and much more are exhibited in this museum.
Dara Ancient City
Dara Ancient City is located on the historical silk road and there is a village here. It is said that the first water dam of the Earth was found here during the excavations. Only 30% of the ruins have been excavated. B.C. It is known that this place was established between 530-570.